Dance as an art is one of the durable strands interwoven into our life as a people to form the fabric of culture. Dance has existed since man came into being. It is through dance movements that people can communicate ...
Across the years our educational system has been rocked by controversies which have remained unabated up to this day. Amidst the welter of issues, two of them have managed to stand out in importance: quality and relevance. The major difficulty ...
Many critics have pointed out that there is too much politics in the Filipino brand of politics. The Filipinos love politics so much that every political gathering, especially if done during elections, becomes a festive occasion, a carnival of sort ...
1. Pollution
Pollution as one of the pressing concerns of the country has been consistently poses a lot of threats to environment as well as hazards to human health and welfare. This is manifested by the ...
The ninth significant fact about development is that there are social expectations for every stage of development. Every cultural group expects its members to master certain essential skills and acquire certain approved patterns of behaviour at various ages during the ...