
Lists Of Contents Tagged With "Fashion"

  • Pimples can appear anywhere on the skin, but they most often occur on the face. It is also called acne. Acne occur when your skin's oil glands are overactive and your pores become inflamed. That's why some types of skin bacteria may make pimples worse and painful.

    Since pimples are usually triggered by androgen hormones, and in some cases it ...

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  • There are many ways to acquire money and be rich. It can be winning a lottery, a successful business or maybe even marrying a billionaire. A lot of thanks can be from the dotcom boom and the money that poured into Silicon Valley that allowed many aspiring entrepreneurs to join the ranks, earn millions and entering the class of the ...

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  • Why a Signature Perfume is Important for every ladies and gentlemen

    Another essential factor to be considered as a lady or gentleman doesn’t limit on physical appearance alone. Looks matter but how you smell is what really matters. Have you seen a woman who is perfectly good looking but lack of personal hygiene? Some people may find it shameful and some ...

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  • Interest in clothing and personal adornment remains strong in early adulthood. Because they know that appearance is important to success in all areas of their lives, young adults frequently spend more time and money on clothing and grooming than they can afford. Below is the list of importance of clothes in personal and social adjustments.

    The Roles of Clothes in ...

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  • Wayang Kulit

    8 years, 1 month ago

    Dance may have been the very first means of communication. It can be traced that dance as an act started from the moment it was harnessed to a rhythm, probably the stamping of the feet and clapping of the hands. Throughout recorded history, there is static evidence of dancing men in painting, drawings and sculptures.

    Dance of the earliest times ...

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  • How To Have A Long Eyelashes

    8 years, 1 month ago

    Having a long eyelashes has a lot of perks. Aside from it will make your eyes look more bigger, it also add beauty and make you look more attracitve. You don't need to apply mascara to achieve those long eyelashes or even apply a false eyelashes that will just totally test your patience.

    Don't worry because what this article will ...

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  • Music Of Mindoro

    8 years, 1 month ago
    Music of Mindoro

    Folk song - is a song transferred from one generation to another without knowing who the composer was. The song contains the different aspects about the people, places, beliefs, values, and their ambitions, or dreams.


    The word Mindoro comes from a word "Mina de Oro" which means the place has lots of gold or rich with gold ...

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  • Indian Painting

    The Vinaya Pitaka (300 B.C) refers to King Pasenada's palace as containing picture galleries. There were also many buildings which were famous for the excellence of the murals, but no trace of these structures can be found.

    The earliest datable Indian painting is a group of Buddhist frescoes (100 B.C) (Fresco painting is done upon freshly ...

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  • Japanese Painting

    The masterpieces of Japanese painting covering a period of twelve hundred years, divided among a complex multiplicity of schools, have been lost in the flow of time, and are nearly all hidden away in private collection in Japan.

    Like their models in China, the Japanese paintings were once made with the same brush that was used in writing ...

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  • Dance as an art is one of the durable strands interwoven into our life as a people to form the fabric of culture. Dance has existed since man came into being. It is through dance movements that people can communicate for it has been a strong factor in the expression of one's soul and identity of character. It is also ...

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