
Lists Of Contents Tagged With "Fashion"

  • Indian Arts And Dance

    7 years, 10 months ago

    The origins of Indian civilization go back to about 3000 B.C. This period coincides with the ancient river civilization of Mesopotamia in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley.

    About 3000 B.C there was a flourishing civilation in the Indus Valley with two important centers, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, two cities in Northwestern India. They were busting commercial cities with broad streets lined ...

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  • With more and more products steeling their claims with the efficacy of natural ingredients, we couldn't resist asking: Do they really work? You will see beauty products advertisements everywhere, from billboards unto TV commercials, and from testimony of a typical lady unto a testimony of a famous star. Company uses the most effective way to market their product. Knowing that ...

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  • Don't call it a cutie pixie. The hottest/coolest haircut of the season may be short, but it's not exactly sweet.

    There are several reasons a woman might hesitate to cut her hair short - chief among them, accidentally being called "sir" and getting locked into the practical-enough-for-a-PTA-meeting look day in, day out.

    That's why before deciding on cutting your hair ...

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  • Being fat, full figure, chubby or whatever screen names they use to make it sound not offensive is not easy. Finding the perfect outfit for you is difficult. You really need to be careful on consider the design, colors and how it fit on your body before buying the clothes. But the thing is, even you are not skinny or doesn't have ...

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  • "Everyone throws something cheap in the mix and that's just how people dress these days". says Howell. But you can still rock even with your cheap clothes by just following these steps. In fact, buying preloved or second hand items but are 'branded' on vintage shop will save you a lot of money.

    1. Add Metal.

    "Gold accessories make cheap ...

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  • Great style is more democratic than it seems. "You don't need to wear head-to-toe designer", says stylist Cher Coulter, who works with Kate Bosworth and Nicole Richie. "In fact, that's exactly what you don't want to do." The secret to a truly cool outfit is mixing old and new, high and low. It's harder than it sounds (or stylists ...

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  • Flats are having a big moment right now, and they can look every bit as chic as a pair of heels. They're also unexpected, especially in the evening. Of course, nothing can replace the sophistication of wearing heels. It gives you more confidence and charisma when you walk eventhough it can be hurtful after some hours. But a flat shoes ...

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  • Several decades and years ago, a lot of beauty trends were used by women. Lotus feet in China that made their feet cruely bound, Wasp Waist Corset in Victorian Era that definitely made women look like an insect because of their tiny waist, Pale skin during Elizabethan Era and many more. So what's the purpose of all of this? Why women endured ...

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  • This video will let you realized the real essence of beauty. Way back when I was a child, I used to read magazines and get hooked by the cover model and other tips that I think will improve my physical self like my weight, my appearance and my taste in clothes so that I will be prepare for how people will ...

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  • New cosmetic procedures often fail to live up to their original promise. Some may even do harm. We investigate the innovations that you might want to reconsider.

    It wasn't so long ago that a woman with a desire to look younger, slimmer, or simply better would huddle with her doctor in private. Now, one demonstration of a new laser on ...

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