
  • Quality of Behavior Patterns

    The first criterion that can be used to assess the kind of adjustments elderly people make is the quality of their behaviour. As was pointed out earlier, there are two different and contrasting theories of successful ...

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  • How successfully men and women will adjust to the problems arising from the physical and mental changes that accompany aging and from the changes in status that occur at this time will be influenced by many factors, some of which ...

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  • Personality Changes

    The third criterion that may be used to assess the kind of adjustments elderly people make is the degree and extent of change in personality. It is popularly believed that all old people, regardless of their younger personality ...

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  • How To Succeed On Your Adult Life

    6 years, 9 months ago

    Successful adjustment to adult life can be measured in terms of three criteria: achievements, satisfaction, and personal adjustments as reflected in the individual’s personality. All three are so closely interrelated that one alone is inadequate to assess the individual’s adjustment ...

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  • There are many conditions that affect the stability of marital life which may and often do lead to divorce. The most important of these are given in below:

    Conditions Affecting the Stability of Marriage

    Number of Children

    There are more ...

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  • Financial Adjustments

    The third major adjustment problem in marriage is financial. Money or lack of it has a profound influence on adult’s adjustments to marriage. Today, as a result of premarital experience in the business world, many wives resent not ...

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  • In-Law Adjustments

    The fourth major adjustment problem in marriage is to the in-laws. With marriage, every adult acquires a whole new set of relatives – the in-laws. These are people of different ages, ranging from babies to the elderly, who ...

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  • Sexual Adjustments

    The second major adjustment problem in marriage is sexual adjustment. This is unquestionably one of the most difficult adjustments to marriage, and it is the one most likely to lead to marital discord and unhappiness if it is ...

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  • Just as the ever-increasing number of vocational opportunities makes vocational selection and adjustment difficult, so does the ever-increasing number of family patterns make marital adjustment difficult. This difficulty is increased when one spouse has grown up in a family where ...

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  • Appraisal of Vocational Adjustment

    How successfully young adults adjust to their chosen vocations can be judged by three criteria: their achievements on the job, the amount of voluntary “job-hopping” or changing jobs they do and the degree of satisfaction they ...

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