Waking up early in the morning is a hassle to most people. Waking up with a smile and feeling refreshed is indeed quite a rarity in today's hectic world.
Scientific studies reveal that we naturally wake up because our bodies say so, and not on account of alarm clocks and cock-a-doodle-dooes. Sleep specialists explain that our body systems function on certain "circadian" rythms - the cycles of sleep and wakefullness,which is done naturally as influenced by the rising and setting of the sun.
Our natural body clock that influences the way we sleep and wake-up functions well if not disrupted by outside factors. If we are unable to sleep the night before, it only means that something is affecting our sleep rhythm. Taking sleeping pills or alcohol cannot solve the problem. The best first step is to straighten out specific aspects of one's life thereby improving the quality of sleep.
"Chemicals, drugs or alcohol... make getting up more difficult because they disrupt the natural sleep...., and exert a direct influence on the brains's arousal apparatus." This is according to Dr. Jerrold Maxmen, an American sleep expert.
There are many ways to give your sleep and waking up good rhythms. Here are tips on how to help you wake up refreshed the next morning.
Avoid Potential Disruption
Most people are not readily awakened by loud noises, but the quality and depth of the sleep may be disturbed and you may find yourself in a limbo-like state between sleep and arousal. That could be quite bothering the next morning when your mind tries to compensate by making you yawn by the minutes.
Maintain A Comfortable Room Temperature
Don't you love the cold weather that makes you sleep very soundly? Humidity is a great sleep disruptor. Air conditioning is one way to improve the quality of sleep. If it is not possible to have an air-conditioner, choose a room with least humidity or maintain good ventilation within the sleeping area.
Avoid Eating A Lot At Night
Don't eat a lot at least an hour or two before sleeping. Too much food intake at night could make your internal organs go haywire. Pancreatitis or locally known as "nightmare" is a result of overworking the liver and pancreas due to large consumption of carbohydrates before sleeping.
Stay Away From Alcoholic Drink
Although a shot or two of brandy or red wine (not beer, rum, gin or whiskey) could help your sleep initially, too much alcohol can disrupt your sleep. Furthermore, alcohol is a strong enough diuretic that can make you visit the rest room more often during the night.
Avoid Caffeine Drinks
Studies show that caffeine makes our body system hyperactive from two to four hours after intake and the activity lingers for seven hours and may persist for as much as 18 hours in some people. Avoid drinking coffee, cola drink and caffeine-containing teas at least four to six hours before bedtime.
Stop Smoking
Nicotine like caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and the heart. It also renders the heart to have irregular beats, and the lungs to work doubly hard. Contrary to what some people believe, recent studies establishhed that smoking do not relieve tension and stress but actually increases the depression of the smoker.
Avoid Late Night Activities
If you have nothing beneficial to do in the evening, sleep early. Any late night activities like discos, parties, chatting in the Internet, should be done on a lesser frequency, especially if you have a hectic daytime schedule. Continuous and prolong late night activities tend to develop insomnia in some people.
Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise can extend the length of quality sleep. Late afternoon exercise relieves not only body, but also mental tensions that linger within us at the end of a day's work. Of course, sufficient exercise depends upon your age, general health and type of work. Office and white collar workers needs the most exercise.
Establish Regular Sleep Schedule
Younger children needs more sleep than adults. But as important as the length of sleep is the schedule by which you sleep. Our body accustoms itself to the way and time we always sleep and take a nap. That is why we feel sleepy almost always at the same time of the day. Messy sleep schedules results in messy morning-afters. Both lack of sleep and irregular sleeping schedules affect the growth in children and can cause depression in adults.
Relax Before Going To Bed
Never think of problems, plans, obligations and the likes in bed. Deal with them at least three to four hours before bedtime. The best time to deal with mental problems is early in the morning after waking-up to a good night sleep.
Wake Up Slowly
Have you noticed that when you are startled by a loud noise and suddenly wakes up, you experience headache, tension and ill-feeling? Your mind and body needs a couple minutes to re-adjust themselves to wake up conditions. But don't stay too long in bed or try to nap again, or you'll end up in a state of droopiness or headaches between pillows.
Stimulate A Good Feeling
Many experts say that the best time for sex is early in the morning after a good night of blissful sleep. For married people making love is a good way to "stimulate" your morning. For those without a bedtime partner, try playing your favorite soft music, or taking a lukewarm shower. Eating fresh fruits can also perk-up the sunshine in you.