Lists Of Contents Tagged With "Relationship"
It could be biorhythm, hormone cycle, sexual and behavioral compatability, whatever it is, the age difference between marrying couples are getting wider. Studies made with married couples during the last five decades reveal that age gaps is a factor in a lasting marriage.
We often read in newspapers and magazines of celebrity couples getting married and if you are keeping ...
It is said that one of the frequent causes of break-ups is caused by the meddling of mothers-in-law in the lives of married couples. It cannot also be denied that relationship between spouses and their respective mothers-in-law become sour due to unmanageable attitudinal situations. According to Dr. Matti Gershenfeld, adjunct professor of psychology at Philadelphia's Temple University, there are eight ...
The first and most important teacher of virtues and character a child can have is a caring adult. Through the guidance of such a caregiver, each child can learn what it feels like to trust that someone will always be there to give unconditional love and provide for his or her basic needs.
In the context of this love, infants ...
Some men go to the weirdest extent trying to become the illusive superlover than they endlessly pump iron in the gym, down all sorts of aphrodisiacs and energy boosters, or worse, dangerously stitch tiny balls on their things!
Women, on the other hand, either elevate themselves to being a dominatrix or relegate themselves into being a sex slaves just to ...
Obviously, major factors like trust and sexual compatability can make or break a relationship, but recent studies are uncovering a host of other, unexpected things that either bolster your bond or chip away at it. There is a popular saying or scapegoat that usually used during break up which is "It's not you, it's me. I just woke up one day ...
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