Filipino Pork Sinigang is a popular food in the Philippines that most Filipinos favorite dish. It is a perfect dish for lunch or even for dinner that is great when partner with steamed rice and fish sauce. For you to make a delicious sinigang with a natural sour from tamarind, Here is a simple and easy recipe for you to create a delicious Filipino Pork Sinigang.


1 kg of chopped Pork Liempo
1/2 cup of chopped onions
1/2 cup of garlic (minced)
1 cup of sliced tomatoes
1 cup of tamarind
3 pieces of green pepper
4 cups of cleansing rice (the used water for cleansing rice)

For the Vegetables:

1 Kangkong
1 Okra
1 Gabi
1 Radish


1. On the caserole, put the pork, salt, onions, garlic, sliced tomatoes and mix it together.
2. Heat the stove and wait for the pork to be cooked. As you notice, water was produced even you didn't put water. It's because of the salt that juice the pork and other ingredients.
3. After that, Once you notice that the pork is half cooked, pour the cleansing rice and let the pork be cooked for 30 minutes.
4. Put the vegetables and the tamarind also. Let all the ingredients be cooked.

Ready to serve now.