
Lists Of Contents Tagged With "Life"

  • 5 Tips To Be More Productive At Work

    7 years, 10 months ago

    Everybody do procrastinate. Some of us does it once in a while and others do it daily like a ritual before actually starting to work. Which can really hinder a person to be productive.

    Sometimes we end up in a cycle of train of thought of what needs to be done or what to do first and most likely ends ...

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  • "It's just another manic Monday, I wish it were Sunday." that is my favorite line on the song Manic Monday by The Bangles because I know that it's not just me who can totally relate on that song every Monday. In which everyone of us need to woke up early in the morning to prepare for work and catch up the train ...

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  • We all know that commuting at work is always a burden everyday since heavy traffic and train technical problems is not a new dilemma particularly in some Asian countries.

    Especially when you don't have a car and just commuting at work through public transportations like buses, trains and jeepneys and you feel the time that you have become a waste ...

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  • Ever wonder why despite of all the over time at work and accomplishing all the tasks you have for the quarter, it is still hard for you to get promoted? The reason is you don't work smart, you work hard. And in the field of climbing the corporate ladder, skills and hardwork are not enough. These are the common factors ...

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  • Every once in a while in our career we get to encounter an annoying coworker. It's a good thing if we only needs to talk to them once but sometimes luck is not on our side and we are lump with them in a same team. These obnoxious coworkers doesn't just makes our blood boils before we can even get a ...

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  • We can't deny that once in our life, we experienced the worst part of achieving our goal, It is the depression phase or the so called "mid-life crisis". There will be times that you feel that no matter how hard you do, you are still stuck on your current situation. You are still not getting what you really want. You ...

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  • In our generation now, you are living in a cave if you do not have smartphones. Taking pictures and documenting everything whether its about the special food you eat or the cool places you've visit become everybody's obsession. Especially during travelling. it seems like TravelIing is like a reset button in which once it was clicked, you'll tend to reset everything ...

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