Since New Year is coming, a lot of people now bought planners and chatting down all of their plans for the next year. Saving, Working out on the gym, Losing some pounds, Dieting and blah blah blah. But did you know that 92% of people who list down all of their New Year's Resolution on a piece of paper FAILED. Why? Here are the reasons.

1. You Set Unrealistic Goals

Okay. So having a car is one of your New Year's resolution, but the thing is you are still a student or your annual income is not enough for you to save for a car down payment. That's ridiculuos! And no wonder why you will end up disappointed for not achieving that goal. it's because you are setting unrealistic goal. So to make your New Year's resolution realistic, why not save for a money to buy a cheap gadget like smartphone since you can't afford a car yet.

2. You Set Unspecific Goals

Unspecific goals tend to fail because it is so broad and lack of specification. For example, your New Year's resolution is to live a healthy lifestyle. Too broad right? Achieving a healthy lifestyle and being healthy will not just happen easily in 12 months. That's why you have to chop down into chunks your plans in order to achieve it easily and picture out the result clearly. So instead of putting "Achieve a healthy living" on your New Year's resolution list, why not put "Eat vegetables everyday" or "Jogging everyday."  

3. You Don't Change Your Behaviour

Some people don't succeed because they are focusing on their goals not on their behaviour. Yeah its true. that's the secret of success "Don't focus on your goal, focus on your behaviour". Setting goals and listing down all you want to achieve in life is great but setting goals and achieving goals has a huge difference. In order for you to achieve your goals, you must change your behaviour first because this is where you have control. So instead of list down "To get promoted at work" on your New Year's resolution. Try to replace it with "Go to work early and become productive all the time" and make that a habit.

4. Expecting Magical Result

You always dream to leave your job that truly sucks and find a better one. But hey, that thing must not happen easily and including it on your New Year's resolution list won't create a magical result.

5. Surrounded By Temptation

So you think you can quit smoking easily without plans? Writing it down on your New Year's resolution will not produce your expected result if you are surrounded by a lot of tempations. If most of your friends and member of the family smoke, probably that it will be a challenge for you to quit smoking. A great will power and motivation to change your life is needed.